See all the information and pay links in easier presentation at
Or see all the information and video at my public facebook post.
I'm looking to raise annual sponsors for the series before a larger kick off drive on Kickstarter.
Basic info below; join the closed facebook group or message me on sponsoring. Regular sponsorship starts at $199 US, $299 Intl. (the awful postal rates).
==>I will soon launch Naphtali Press Special Editions (NPSE). This endeavor will use crowd funding, hearkening back to the old days of subscription and even older days of patron supported publication for a unique and I think important series of books. The goal is up to 3 volumes a year depending on complexity and expense. Before launching a Kickstarter drive, I’m testing interest with a FB effort to raise annual sponsors for the series (sponsors get the year’s books and other perks and rewards based on levels of support).
The projects that can be done in this series are only limited by the level of interest. There are of course old puritan works that have not seen new editions since the 17th century (think Naaman the Syrian, etc.), classic Scottish Presbyterian works that are now relatively unknown, and there are works in manuscript which have yet to be transcribed and published. And if interest is really there, there are works that remain locked up in Latin to this day. Over the years through Naphtali Press and The Confessional Presbyterian journal, I’ve garnered the experience to tackle these kind of projects or know the people who can certainly help me as needed.
If the potential of this series excites you and you have the means, I would welcome your support, which starts at $199 a year for regular US sponsorship. If that is something to consider, see more information at the closed group link below; click to join and I’ll approve as soon as I see the request. There is a unique promotional video (from which the screen grab comes in the picture), not ready to get out broadly, which is the main reason for the group settings.
The first title for the 2019-20 series year will be vol. 1 of 3 of a new edition of James Durham’s Commentary on Revelation (collated with prior editions and a newly uncovered manuscript), which could go to press late in the year. If all goes well, this would be followed in short order by two titles in first quarter 2020: a new critical edition of perhaps the most famous work on church government (almost but not quite a work of the Westminster Assembly), the classic Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici; and published for the first time from manuscript, David Dickson’s sermons on the book of Lamentations. If all goes well and sponsors reup, we’ll continue the process another year. The scope of what could be done has me fired up. If you are interested, see the link as said to join the group for more information.
Or see all the information and video at my public facebook post.
I'm looking to raise annual sponsors for the series before a larger kick off drive on Kickstarter.
Basic info below; join the closed facebook group or message me on sponsoring. Regular sponsorship starts at $199 US, $299 Intl. (the awful postal rates).
==>I will soon launch Naphtali Press Special Editions (NPSE). This endeavor will use crowd funding, hearkening back to the old days of subscription and even older days of patron supported publication for a unique and I think important series of books. The goal is up to 3 volumes a year depending on complexity and expense. Before launching a Kickstarter drive, I’m testing interest with a FB effort to raise annual sponsors for the series (sponsors get the year’s books and other perks and rewards based on levels of support).
The projects that can be done in this series are only limited by the level of interest. There are of course old puritan works that have not seen new editions since the 17th century (think Naaman the Syrian, etc.), classic Scottish Presbyterian works that are now relatively unknown, and there are works in manuscript which have yet to be transcribed and published. And if interest is really there, there are works that remain locked up in Latin to this day. Over the years through Naphtali Press and The Confessional Presbyterian journal, I’ve garnered the experience to tackle these kind of projects or know the people who can certainly help me as needed.
If the potential of this series excites you and you have the means, I would welcome your support, which starts at $199 a year for regular US sponsorship. If that is something to consider, see more information at the closed group link below; click to join and I’ll approve as soon as I see the request. There is a unique promotional video (from which the screen grab comes in the picture), not ready to get out broadly, which is the main reason for the group settings.
The first title for the 2019-20 series year will be vol. 1 of 3 of a new edition of James Durham’s Commentary on Revelation (collated with prior editions and a newly uncovered manuscript), which could go to press late in the year. If all goes well, this would be followed in short order by two titles in first quarter 2020: a new critical edition of perhaps the most famous work on church government (almost but not quite a work of the Westminster Assembly), the classic Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici; and published for the first time from manuscript, David Dickson’s sermons on the book of Lamentations. If all goes well and sponsors reup, we’ll continue the process another year. The scope of what could be done has me fired up. If you are interested, see the link as said to join the group for more information.
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