Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
Sure the holy Lord in a Covenant would not be thought to equivocate, and be uncertain in his meaning. Though God appoints the outward administration of the covenant to Abraham the believer his seed indefinitely, Gen. 17. yet he gives the efficacy of the covenant but to some; viz. that shall be the seed by faith, Rom. 4. Yet we must follow the administration according to express institution, Gen. 17. To whom is derived the covenant effectually, to them are derived the promises of blessing in every manner recited by the Exercitator (subordinate things are not contrary) or in no manner per modum aut vim faederis, under the notion of a covenant. Unregenerate men have a right to temporal things, by an human right, and higher, by a divine right of common providence, either as dwelling with, or receiving them from those in real covenant with God; but not by virtue of any covenant between them and God. ...
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Nathaniel Homes on the outward administration of the covenant and believers’ children
Sure the holy Lord in a Covenant would not be thought to equivocate, and be uncertain in his meaning. Though God appoints the outward administration of the covenant to Abraham the believer his seed…