NPSE needs 25 or 30 more annual sponsors! If you would like to see Reformed, puritan, presbyterian books published that are generally overlooked or too difficult or risky, consider sponsoring Naphtali Press Special Editions, founded just to meet this need. USA sponsorships are as low as 16.59 per month (that’s less than two burgers and fries at the drive through; seeing fine puritan books published is more satisfying surely!). Yes, you pay more as a sponsor than if you purchased the books when they come out; BUT ONLY IF THEY ARE ABLE TO BE PUBLISHED. Sponsoring helps make these titles possible to bring to print. Sponsors are recognized in the front of each volume for posterity (or be choose a nom de plume), receive the custom book plate and other perks at other levels. Sponsors helped make it possible to publish three significant volumes for 2019-21, but the funding was well below sustainable for he work that NPSE would like to do. We had 59 sponsors for the first year, but really to see this as ongoing, I need at least another 25 or 30 addition or more annually (more sponsors bigger the projects), to get NPSE close to a sustainable path. Especially this year there is extra outside costs to make it possible to publish in English for the first time Gisbertus Voetius on the Sabbath and Feast Days. If you want to see more translations of such things, if this succeeds NPSE will do more. You can be a special translation sponsor and help make that happen for $41.67 a month. We need about 9 more translation sponsors for this year. I know this is a hard sell; it is not a quick explain. Basics: NPSE raises money through sponsors to fund the development of texts to publish. Once funded and completed, Reformation Heritage Books takes over and publishes the books and makes them available to purchasers and sends me the copies to provide with customized bookplates to the NPSE sponsors. I know, not all titles will interest sponsors every year; but once we can get established an additional perk will be to be able to opine on future projects. Right now we need to get on a firm footing and past the next year or two. Join team NPSE at the link. If you don't have the means but would like to him some way, consider giving something toward the Voetius translation at the donorbox fundraiser; as low as $10 and up to any amount (higher amounts you get a copy if funded and published).
Read more and sponsor here:
Donorbox (tally is added over at NPSE too and goes toward that goal).
NPSE’s year we were able to produce three significant books; below. This is a large format hardbound, sewn, well done series of books. You can purchase the 2019-20 NPSE titles that were published at Reformation Heritage Books at these links:
Durham on Revelation volume 1:
Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici: David Dickson,
Sermons on Jeremiah’s Lamentations:
Read more and sponsor here:
Donorbox (tally is added over at NPSE too and goes toward that goal).
NPSE’s year we were able to produce three significant books; below. This is a large format hardbound, sewn, well done series of books. You can purchase the 2019-20 NPSE titles that were published at Reformation Heritage Books at these links:
Durham on Revelation volume 1:
Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici: David Dickson,
Sermons on Jeremiah’s Lamentations: