NEED to learn basics for Italian language

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Puritan Board Sophomore
Going to my girlfriend's family reunion this weekend, many will speak only Italian, so I was looking into learing basics (greetings, etc). Looking for a good book, or free online site.

any help would be appreciated.

I had to learn Italian when I was stationed in Sicily, Italy while in the Navy.
The best resource for your particular situation is probably the "Berlitz" book with cooresponding audio tape. You need the tape to learn how to pronounce the stuff correctly.

But if you only have one week to practice, you better get started RIGHT AWAY!
By the way, do you know if they're "Italian" or "Sicilian"? Sicilians practically have a language of their own, although they'll be able to understand you if you speak in the purer tongue.
When being introduced to someone for the first time, say this:

Il piacere es stato mio. (eel pee ah chair eh es stah toh me oh)

It means, "The pleasure is mine."

That's about all I remember. If you had more time, I would send you some resources. Any of the big book stores have some good resources.

Buon Giorno,

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