New Blog

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Iron Dramatist
Hi all -

Here's an announcement for my new blog - well, renewed blog. Over the course of the past couple of weeks, my blog at has been bogged down due to robot queries, etc., or something - something that has caused it to be almost impossible to read unless one has infinite patience to wait for the page to load. At any rate, I took this as an opportunity to renew the title ("Semper Ubi Sub Ubi" is a title that is funny the first through tenth time you hear it, but after a while the joke gets old) and move hosts.

The new name is "In Principio Deus" - sticking with the Latin theme, but giving a more serious and appropriate title. God is sovereign over all of life and all the universe - and this fact is brought out in the first three words of Genesis (in this case, in the Latin) "In Principio Deus - in the beginning, God. God is presupposed, from the outset. His presence is with us, period. He is King - period. How shall we then live? Blog contents aren't any different - devotional thoughts, discussion of reading I'm doing of Reformed & Puritan works, cultural commentary, etc, all in the framework of our shared worldview here at the PB.

So I'm now rebranded (thanks Rich!) as to which you are all invited. I'll be moving the old blog contents over eventually, but in case any of you out there at all read my blog, I thought this might be a good way to let you know of the swap.

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