New Book on Sola Fide - Waldron

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Rich Barcellos

Puritan Board Freshman
Samuel E. Waldron's doctoral dissertation is almost ready for circulation. It is entitled Faith, Obedience, and Justification: Current Evangelical Departures from Sola Fide. It has endorsements by Ligon Duncan, Fred Malone, David T. King (DTK on the PB), and Richard Barcellos. It deals with sola fide in Luther, Calvin, and Reformed symbolics, then compares these with Garlington, Shepherd, and Fuller.

Ligon Duncan says, "...many who retain the slogan sola fide rob it of the substance of its reformational meaning and significance. This is a serious Gospel issue. Waldron understands this and provides trenchant historical and
theological critique in crystal clear prose. This is a subject about which evangelical pastors and teachers need to be well-informed, and Waldron's study and conclusions are a model of theological argument and pastoral discernment."

David T. King says, "With diligent and meticulous inquiries, Samuel Waldron brings us back to a review of the biblical doctrine of sola fide as enunciated by Luther and Calvin; and then provides us with an examination of how it was presented in the major creeds and confessions which were
formulated in the crucible of the Reformation. It is not that the modern day teachers, whom Waldron goes on to critique, are devoid of impressive credentials and intellect. But as Luther himself reminded us, if the false teachers of Galatia in Paul's day "had not possessed outstanding gifts,
great authority, and the appearance of holiness" and "if they had not claimed to be the ministers of Christ, pupils of the apostles, and sincere preachers of the Gospel, they could not so easily have undermined the authority of Paul and made an impression on the Galatians." Waldron's work
calls us to that same vigilance today."

Fred Malone says, " Waldron's dealing with the errors of Daniel Fuller, Norman Shepherd, and Don Garlington is both masterful and charitable-a rare combination today. For those still studying the issues of "the obedience of faith" and its meaning in Reformation theology vs. modern "covenant nomism", this is a must read. May God bring a clearer light to the meaning of sola fide through this work."

Reformed Baptist Academic Press (RBAP) is offering PBers a special pre-pub. 50% off retail ($15.00), plus shipping and $1.50 handling.

Anyone interested for more info. can contact Rich Barcellos at
[email protected].
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