NEW BOOK: The Works of Henry Greenwood by Henry Greenwood (1545-1634)

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C. Matthew McMahon

Christian Preacher

The Works of Henry Greenwood by Henry Greenwood (1545-1634)

Henry Greenwood (1545-1634) was a Calvinistic Minister of the Gospel and a popular early Puritan theologian.

Explore the timeless and biblical wisdom of Henry Greenwood’s original works compiled into a single volume. There are nine pieces in this volume, all that comprise what is available by Greenwood today. From the urgency of repentance in “The Great and General Day of Judgment” (Matthew 24:36) to the significance of running the race of godliness in “The Celestial Race” (1 Corinthians 9:24), to his description of hell in his work “Tormenting Tophet”, Greenwood’s writings offer weighty insights anchored in scripture.

In “The Jailor’s Jail-Delivery” (Acts 16:30-31), he emphasizes the significance of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. “The Most Blessed Birth that Ever Was” (Isaiah 9:6) explores the transformative impact of Christ’s birth.

“A Treatise of Things Necessary and Unnecessary in the Kingdom of God” underscores heavenly qualities required as part of the Christian walk (Romans 14:17), while “A True and Comfortable Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13) highlights the importance of biblical, fervent prayer.

In “Christ’s Baptism” (Matthew 3:16-17), Greenwood explores the theological implications of Christ’s baptism. Finally, “The Prisoner’s Prayers” reflects deep spirituality and scriptural foundations, offering 51 prayers for various subjects and needs.

These Christ-glorifying and spiritually enriching works reveal the heart of Henry Greenwood, a reformed minister of the Gospel. Study along with him in these solemn and important writings for a wealth of biblical insights and Christian sanctification by the Spirit.

Get the eBook here at Puritan Publications.
Get the Printed Book Here.
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Table of Contents
Introduction by C. Matthew McMahon
Meet Henry Greenwood by C. Matthew McMahon
A Treatise of the Great and General Day of Judgment
Tormenting Tophet: a Description of Hell

PART 1: Descriptions of Tophet
PART 2: Tophet Prepared
PART 3: The Depth of Tophet
PART 4: The Largeness of Tophet
PART 5: The Burning in Tophet
PART 6: Bitter Torment in Tophet
An Earnest and Zealous Prayer to Be Saved from the Damnation of Tophet
The Celestial Race
The Celestial Race, or a direct path to heaven.
Unburden Ourselves
Promised Reward
The Jailer’s Jail-Delivery
A Godly and Zealous Prayer
The Most Blessed Birth that Ever Was
The Aspects of Christ
The Treatise
The Extent of Christ’s Joy
The Cause of Joy
Power and Purchase.
A Prayer for a blessing upon this Sermon
A Treatise of Things Necessary and Unnecessary to the Kingdom of God

Marks and No Marks of the Kingdom of Heaven
A True and Comfortable Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer
Christ’s Baptism

To the Christian Reader.
The Tract
A Godly and righteous Christian Prayer
The Prisoner’s Prayers
1. A Prayer against Sin and Satan in General.
2. A Prayer against the World’s Illusions.
3. A Prayer against Pride.
4. A Prayer against Envy.
5. A Prayer against Adultery.
6. A Prayer against Covetousness.
7. A Prayer against Hardness of Heart.
8. A Prayer against Drunkenness.
9. A Prayer against Murder.
10. A Prayer against Hypocrisy.
11. A Prayer against Revenge.
12. A Prayer against Theft.
13. A Prayer against Swearing.
14. A Prayer against Perjury.
15. A Prayer against Security.
16. A Prayer against Desperation.
17. A Prayer against Heresy.
18. A Prayer against Lying.
19. A Prayer against Sabbath-breaking.
20. A Prayer against Idle Words.
21. A Prayer against Evil Thoughts.
22. A Prayer against Disobedience to Parents.
23. A Prayer against Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.
24. A Prayer against Presumption.
25. A Prayer against the Plague.
26. A Prayer against the Sword.
27. A Prayer against Famine.
28. A Prayer for Grace in General.
29. A Prayer for Knowledge.
30. A Prayer for Humiliation.
31. A Prayer for Faith.
32. A Prayer for Obedience.
33. A Prayer for Zeal.
34. A Prayer for Brotherly Love.
35. A Prayer for Humility.
34. A Prayer for Patience.
35. A Prayer for Innocence.
36. A Prayer for Mercy and Compassion.
37. A Prayer for Peace of Conscience.
38. A Prayer for Joy in the Holy Spirit.
39. A Prayer for Increase of Grace.
40. A Prayer for Perseverance in Grace.
41. A Prayer for Preparation for the Sacrament.
42. A Prayer for the Continuation of the Gospel.
43. A Prayer for Preparation for Death.
44. A Prayer for a Woman in Childbirth.
45. A Prayer after Childbirth.
46. A Prayer for a Traveler by Land.
47. A Prayer for the Traveler by Sea.
48. A Prayer for the Church.
49. A Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews.
50. A Morning Prayer for a Family.
51. An Evening Prayer for a Family.
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