New Hardcover MLJ Ephesians set

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Puritanboard Commissioner
I think it has been OOP in Hardcover for about 30 years, and perhaps more. (I'm referring to Baker, not Banner, which has the license in the UK.)

It looks like new hardcovers are finally out after some delay after having been only available in PB for many years. I think some folks may already have it, or will be getting it soon. Does anyone know if it has also been re-typset, or has it simply been republished in hardcover? (I think it is imitation leather over boards.) I've only seen photos of the exterior so far.

RHB has the best price that I've seen.
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I took an interior photo as well. You can view it in the gif in the email: If the gif is too distracting to see the interior, I can drop the image in here.

And no, it is not a new typeset.
Thanks! I don't have my older set in front of me, but the interior does look familiar.

I wonder how durable the imitation leather will be. I don't think I have any imitation leather that has been in my library for over maybe 7 years that isn't flaking of or has chunks coming off, etc. Most of those are over boards though. I'm thinking these may be somewhat more durable.
It would be nice to have MLJ in kindle format, his Romans and Ephesians here, but i do have The Great Doctrines of the Bible though.
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