NEW MUSIC: STAND FIRM: Nicholas Byfield's "The Promises of God" Music Project – by C. Matthew McMahon

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C. Matthew McMahon

Christian Preacher

This is a wonderful music project based on Byfield’s work on God’s promises in Christ in the style of a "pop".

This first album (of many) is an uplifting musical journey inspired entirely by Byfield’s renowned work, “The Promises of God,” aptly titled, “Stand Firm.”

How firm is your stance on the promises of God? Do you believe them? Do you stand firm on them?

Each song in the album is crafted from Byfield’s reflections and has its message transformed into lyrics that carry the essence of each individual chapter. The aim is to draw out Byfield’s message, not only to glorify Christ but also to inspire you to STAND FIRM in the faith as you listen to Byfield’s teachings put to music. Samples of the music are in the video.

See the tracks and more info here.

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