New QUOTES ONLY-:Strong Calvinists Who...

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Puritan Board Freshman
...nevertheless maintain the saved status of many Arminians.

The following from:The Puritans by Dr.D.M.Lyoyd-Jones

"What if he is an Arminian?What if he does not understand the doctrines of grace?How are we to treat him?Are we to dispise him,are we to dismiss him as a fool,or as a nonentity,or as a man who knows nothing--is that to be the attitude?...We believe these people are wrong and that they are mistaken;...They have not seen it.Do not despise nor deride them,do not walk on the other side of the street when you see them coming,do not feel that you would be wasting your time if you even discussed anything with them.No,no!...let us be patient with him,let us try to help him.We should not spend our time just proving that we are right and everybody else is wrong.If you believe that you are right and the other wrong,well,it is your bounden duty to try and put him right,and you do so by loving him,by being patient with him,by understanding.You do not browbeat him,you do not knock him down;still less do you dismiss him.You try to understand him and put things to him,and reason with him.You do not hurl slogans at him;you expound the Scriptures in as loving a manner as you can,and try to thus lead him to a better understanding..."Pages 41-42
"Unprofitable Servants"Charles H.Spurgeon

"I have sometimes admired how men who have denied the doctrine of salvation by grace,as a matter of theology,have,nevertheless,admitted it in their devotions.They have entered into controversy against it,and yet unconsciously they have believed it.An extreme case is that of Cardinal Bellarmine,who was one of the most inveterate enemies of the Reformation,and a renowned antagonist of the teaching of Martin Luther...It is reported,...that this great man,who had all his life long been crying up salvation by works,when dying,breathed a prayer
something like this:'I beseech God,who weighs not our merits,but graciously pardons our offences,that he would receive me among his saints and his elect.'...Does Bellarmine at the last pray like a Calvinist?Such a case makes one hope that many others may be saved in an apostate church.Thank God,many are a great deal better than their creed..."
...were against Arminianism but nevertheless acknowledged that many of that camp were in-fact saved.

"The Puritans"by Dr.D.M.L-J. page 302

"Do we recognize and acknowledge that in the sovereignty of God an Arminian may be 'filled with the Spirit' and greatly used by God in the salvation of souls,and the edification of the church?" know the drill.

"Whosoever Will"by Herman Hoeksema page 120.

This regards prayer.

"Here all Arminianism,all boasting of free will in the matter of salvation,is silenced.The reason is that in prayer one speaks to God.Before men one may talk of coming to Jesus as if it were in the power of the sinner to come or to refuse to come.But as soon as one places himself before the face of God all this is changed.Then all is attributed to divine grace.Before the face of God there is no Arminian."
"Strong Calvinists Who...

Charles H.Spurgeon Autobiography:Volume 2 "The Full

In reviewing a book on Romans he says of the author:"Excellent for an Arminian.I find him sweetly Evangelical in many places." page 344

"We believe in the five great points commonly known as Calvinistic;but we do not regard those five points as being barbed shafts which we are to thrust between the ribs of our fellow Christians." page 12
"Strong Calvinists Who...

...C.H.Spurgeon,Autobiography:Volume 2:"Full Harvest"

"In Brussels,I heard a good sermon in a Romish church.The place was crowded with people,many of them standing,...and I stood too;and the good priest--for I believe he is a good man--preached the Lord Jesus with all his might.He spoke of the love of Christ,...and my heart kept beating within me as he told of the beauties of Christ and the preciousness of his blood,and of his power to save the chief of sinners.He did not say,'justification by faith,'but he did say,'efficacy of the blood,'which comes to very much the same thing.He did not tell us we were saved by grace,and not by our works;but he did say that all the works of men were less than nothing when brought into competition with the blood of Christ,and that the blood of Jesus alone could save.True,there were objectionable sentences,as naturally there must be in a discourse delivered under such circumstances;but I could have gone to the preacher,and have said to him,'Brother,you have spoken the truth;'and if I had been handling his text,I must have treated it in the same way he did,if I could have done it as well.I was pleased to find my own opinion verified,in his case,that there are,even in the apostate church,some who cleave unto the Lord--some sparks of heavenly fire that flicker amidst the rubbish of old superstition,some lights that are not blown out,even by the strong wind of popery,but still cast a feeble gleam across the waters sufficient to guide the soul to the rock Christ Jesus."
Pages 21&22
"The life of Arthur W.Pink"by Iain Murray

The following are his remarks about Alexander Maclaren:"He was,[an Arminian]though not nearly so extreme an one as some.He is always worth reading on any subject,yet with caution.I have often received helpful suggestions from his writings and believe he was much used by God.I would have been greatly the loser had I confined myself to Calvinistic works!"
Gordon Clark"What Do Presbyterians...

...Believe?" page 174

"An Arminian may be a truly regenerate Christian;in fact ,if he is truly an Arminian and not a Pelagian who happens to belong to an Arminian church,he must be a saved man."
J.I.Packer in :"Arminianisms"

This is a chapter in "Through Christ's Word"In honor of Dr.Philip E.Hughes

"Calvinists should therefore approach professed Arminians as brother evangelicals trapped in weakening theological mistakes,and seek to help them to a better mind...those who find themselves up against Arminianism...would do well to ask whether Calvinists themselves have not had something to do with bringing it into being,by not advancing their doctrine with holy and loving attitudes and actions."Page 147
C.H.S.:"The Man With The Measuring Line"

"Zion is certainly built according to the arrangement of the five points,and therefore if any brother does not comprehend and receive them all,he is not a weak believer,but according to the measuring line of our rigid friends,he is not a believer at all.You know,brethren,that there is no soul living who holds more firmly to the doctrines of grace than I do,and if any man asks me whether I am ashamed to be called a Calvinist,I answer,I wish to be called nothing but a Christian;but if you ask me,do I hold the doctrinal views which were held by John Calvin,I reply,I do in the main hold them,and rejoice to avow it.But,my dear friends,far be it from me even to imagine that Zion contains none within her walls but Calvinistic Christians,or that there are none saved who do not hold our views."
C.H.S.regarding Joseph Sutcliffe

'Sutcliffe,though an Arminian,is in general so good that we wish we had more of him;his style is vivacious and forcible."
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