Puritan Board Freshman
I feel like while I do a decent amount of reading of Reformed literature, I do not retain nearly as much as I would like, which I suspect to be partially because I do not take notes on most of the texts that I read. I will engage with the book itself by marking it up (underlining, boxing, circling) and by writing the occasional cross-reference or comment in the margin, but I don't take extensive notes or anything for most of the books I read. I feel like taking notes would help me retain what I read better, which would be ideal for subsequent reflection and meditation. I don't just want to be "well-read" for the sake of being well-read, but I want to be well-read with the singular intent of "growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Pet. 3:18). What note-taking strategies do you guys use when reading through a Reformed book?