Notes On Matt's Article Charging Evangelicals With Modern Ne

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That sounds like Nestorianism.

Paul ? ?

State what you are asserting again. I am lost now.
If I may, Paul seems to be saying that depicting the HUMANITY of Christ is not a bad thing because the IMMATERIAL (i.e. the personality of the divine Son) cannot be catpured. So when he watches the Passion, or looks at a crucifix, he has to make the mental leap of taking the object and inserting, in his mind, the divine part (the knowledge that the personality is of the divine Son) that the object cannot convey. In his mind, then, Christ remains complete because he knows the crucifix is really not Jesus.

Paul, are we on track with your thought?
Paul, re-read my post.

I said that you were accussing US of mixing the natures while YOU were separating them.

If you say that when Christ died only His human nature died, instead of His whole being person then you have separated the human and the divine.


[edited to clarify as per Visigoths next post!]

[Edited on 3-10-04 by pastorway]
If you say that when Christ died only His human nature died, instead of His whole being. . .

Phillip, I do not think you meant to say "being".

God is one being, three persons. Death is seperation. Christ was seperated/forsaken by the Father . . His being was ontologically one the whole time .. .

[Edited on 3-9-2004 by Visigoth]
[quote:2ff04af5c3][i:2ff04af5c3]Originally posted by Visigoth[/i:2ff04af5c3]
If you say that when Christ died only His human nature died, instead of His whole being. . .

Phillip, I do not think you meant to say "being".

God is one being, three persons. Death is seperation. Christ was seperated/forsaken by the Father . . His being was ontologically one the whole time .. .

[Edited on 3-9-2004 by Visigoth] [/quote:2ff04af5c3]

I am sure that what Phillip mean was the Person of Christ (His whole Person - hypostasis/persona).
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