NPSE needs more sponsors for 2021-22 series year

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Staff member
Naphtali Press Special Editions needs more sponsors for its third year. If you would like the opportunity to help underwrite the labor and research that is needed to create classic puritan, presbyterian and reformed texts, translations, publication of long lost manuscripts from centuries ago, this is your opportunity. For this year we are down some sponsors and the new ones have barely filled those slots. Minimum goal to stay even is 22K (pledges currently at about 14K). You can read all the background and moving parts how NPSE functions and review all the levels of support open to you at the link. Naphtali Press has partnered with Reformation Heritage Books for this ongoing series. NP does the creation of the texts and RHB does the production and handling of the sales. In two years NPSE has produced 5 volumes with a sixth translation project of Gisbertus Voetius slated for late production in late 2022. For 2021-22 we will add two more volumes, including the completion of the 3 volume new edition of James Durham’s Commentary on Revelation with the third and final volume with all the indexing and new ground breaking biography, bibliography of the author.
Which Voetius publication is being translated?
On the Sabbath and Holy Days. Dr. Noe hopes to complete the translation for late 2022. I spent a solid month last summer doing just the bibliographical work to aid the translation. After years of being familiar with works referenced by Scottish and Puritan authors, Voetius was a new experience.
I hope you will also consider the Selected Disputations, though that would be a huge project.
This is a selection of at least 2 of the theses from volume 3 of the Selectae Disputationes Theologicae. David thought might could do more that are related but I'll be happy to see the 2. This is just a 127 page portion of vol. 3 and it required raising an extra $6000 just to cover the translation work. It's hugely expensive to do Latin translation and as difficult to get it done in a timely fashion.
Four bucks a week for US folks. Skip a Popeye’s dinner every two weeks and get a beautiful book!

(Sorry Grant, maybe I should have said skip Starbucks. I’ll skip TV dinners and go scratch).
Four bucks a week for US folks. Skip a Popeye’s dinner every two weeks and get a beautiful book!

(Sorry Grant, maybe I should have said skip Starbucks. I’ll skip TV dinners and go scratch).
You will get 3 because new people will also get last year's still to be published Voetious on the Sabbath and holy days! What a deal! But what is better, sponsors are making the creation of such new editions and translations possible. :)
Just to note I couldn’t find the link directly on the NP website. I don’t know if this is deliberate, but you may want to update so people may sponsor through the website.
Just to note I couldn’t find the link directly on the NP website. I don’t know if this is deliberate, but you may want to update so people may sponsor through the website.
It's there once at least in the regular level box but next update I'll make sure. And thanks!
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