Obamacare & The Mark of the Beast

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Puritan Board Sophomore
I don't think I need to tell anyone what the concern is over what's presented in the attached link. If the implantation of the microchip cited becomes mandatory, would you refuse it based on Revelation 13:17?

Microchip - Mark of the Beast?
I'd refuse it because the U.S. government doesn't own me, and can't force me to have a surgical implantation. If they try to mandate it, there will be enough underground medicine to DIY.
Quick, liquidate your assets, buy guns, ammo, a 4x4 truck, then take a month long survival skills course at a training facility somewhere in Montana, then move your family to the Yukon territory and hunker down till the apocalypse!
This has nothing to do with implanting chips, it has to do with registering devices like pacemakers. There is no mandate to get a chip or any other implantable device.
"For the LORD spoke thus to me with his strong hand upon me, and warned me not to walk in the way of this people, saying: “Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread. But the LORD of hosts, him you shall honor as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread." (Isaiah 8:11-13 ESV)

We Reformed should not be alarmists.
Lol. I actually would get one. Think of all the places you could go and if you got lost you could be easily found. I would go into really remote areas to photograph and get completely awesome pics !!!!!
It always amuses me that it is the Reformed who are accused of not being "literal" with respect to the Book of Revelation but what literal really means is that locusts are Apache helicopters and the "mark of the Beast" is an implanted microchip.
Wait a minit... you mean the Beast isn't a supercomputer in Belgium? Now what am I gonna do with this stockpile of tinfoil hats?
I would refuse it because it might damage my looks, which I highly value.

I am sure my son would as well, who's a chip off the old chip.

I would simply not permit it, saying "Goodbye, Mr. Chip."

How much chip could the government chip if the government could chip chip?

Chip chip and cheerio,
Quick, liquidate your assets, buy guns, ammo, a 4x4 truck, then take a month long survival skills course at a training facility somewhere in Montana, then move your family to the Yukon territory and hunker down till the apocalypse!

And a country boy can survive...
I'd refuse it for numerous reasons!

Actually the time isnt too far off I think that death will be preferable to some of the 'helps' of the government. They already limit healthcare for certain elderly in certain conditions, taking liberty with right to life so whats left! I look forward to the time I will be with Christ and live for now unafraid.
Political discussions are out of bounds on this forum. Stick to the OP and the propriety of microchips being the mark of the beast.

Political discussions are out of bounds on this forum. Stick to the OP and the propriety of microchips being the mark of the beast.


Help! He's been brainwashed into non-reformed doctrines! It's ok, Rich, It's not the mark of the beast!
This has nothing to do with implanting chips, it has to do with registering devices like pacemakers. There is no mandate to get a chip or any other implantable device.


IF it were mandated, I would comply.
I laughed when I saw this thread and thought I was at Rapture Ready Forums!

That is not to demean the author of the thread, however. It was not my intention.
I would probably refuse it based on the passage from Revelation and for other reasons as well,here's the problem with the article though,my 3rd grader could have done a better job,how about some sources where he gets his info?,there is so much of really poor exegesis out there it's just sad.
....I had a good friend in New York City
Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Burns View Post
Quick, liquidate your assets, buy guns, ammo, a 4x4 truck, then take a month long survival skills course at a training facility somewhere in Montana, then move your family to the Yukon territory and hunker down till the apocalypse!
And a country boy can survive...
....I had a good friend in New York City

Whose never heard of Conway Twitty .....

I love my country and her values from the 18th century but today is the 21st century I do not trust her leadership.
I thought that being Reformed would spare me from such sensationalism.

Come on, man. It was (allegedly) on AOL. So it has to be true. Of course, I didn't see a link to the story, but I'll be charitable for a change.

On the other hand, shouldn't this thread be moved to 'Humor'?
Wait a minit... you mean the Beast isn't a supercomputer in Belgium? Now what am I gonna do with this stockpile of tinfoil hats?

Jiffy pop time!!

BTW, you're all wrong... Barry Manilow is the Antichrist.
Wait a minit... you mean the Beast isn't a supercomputer in Belgium? Now what am I gonna do with this stockpile of tinfoil hats?

Jiffy pop time!!

BTW, you're all wrong... Barry Manilow is the Antichrist.
And if you play Copacabana backwards you can hear all sorts of scary things. Of course, if you play Copacabana forwards you can hear all sorts of scary things too...
Say it IS the mark of the beast, but you got it, not knowing that it was the mark. Do some people think that would cause you to lose your salvation?
Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus...except government microchips?

In my opinion, you'd have to get the mark knowingly (if there even is a literal mark), in support of the Antichrist, and in opposition to God, in order for it to mean anything spiritual.

I'd still not want it because I don't trust the government too well. But not because I'm afraid of becoming one of the Antichrist's own.
I knew this would generate some interesting responses and low and behold it has! I wasn't actually saying that this would happen or that I believed it would be the mark of the beast, I think I'm more interested in how one in this century would interpret the mark as being. Does it have any future eschatalogical significance? Not trying to be dispensational here as I reject that view.

P.S. The mark would be 1010011010 in binary, 29A in hexadecimal.
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