Old Testament Scriptures Opposing Unchecked Rabbinical Authority (Against the Jewish Rabbinists)

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Sam Jer

Puritan Board Sophomore
Grace and peace to you all,
I had a conversation today with one of my brethren according to the flesh, an Ultra-Orthodox Rabbinist. We discussed several issues, and our conversation came to the question of the authority of the traditions that they erronously call the Oral Torah (this being the Talmud and Mishna), as well as rabbinical authority more generally. At this point our conversation ended quite abbruptly.

His arguments included the old misinterpetation of Deuteronomy 17:10, as well as the assertion that the so-called Oral Torah is of Sinai, against my assertion that it is of men. I countered with the context of Deuteronomy 17:10, as well as Issiah 29:13-14. He quite dismissed these arguments. Now this is the point our conversation ended. My question is:
Which other old testament scriptures or first principles can be used to refute such claims of rabbinical (as well as consiliar or papal) authority?

For context, this view of rabbinical authority goes very far, to the point where if a rabbi told this young man his right hand was his left and vice versa, he would be constrained to believe it.
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If the prophet who routinely chastised kings and priests, subjected all claims of revelation "to the law to the testimony" (Isaiah 8:20) how can the faithful Jew not also judge all things by that word?

Indeed, is it not the duty of parents to put these words in their heart and teach their children these things (Deuteronomy 11:18-21)? The fifth commandment is the first principle of human authority and thus the community or nation (or synagogue) could not continue long if such practices were not commended and upheld in the homes of the people.
Indeed, is it not the duty of parents to put these words in their heart and teach their children these things (Deuteronomy 11:18-21)? The fifth commandment is the first principle of human authority and thus the community or nation (or synagogue) could not continue long if such practices were not commended and upheld in the homes of the people.
I am not completly sure I understand your'e argument here. What do you mean by "such practices"?
I am not completly sure I understand your'e argument here. What do you mean by "such practices"?
From the first sentence, namely the practices of hiding the word in one's heart and then teaching the word to one's children. It shows us that the authority of the word bound the home as well as the synagogue.
Hello Samuel @Sam Jer ,

Here are some Scriptures I hastily copied out of a page in my Bible on the Law of God being all written, and not oral. If you check each one out you will see that this is what is written. Besides these are a couple of teachings by Michael L. Brown on Youtube on the topic of the so-called Oral Law. I once had in my possession (decades back) a number of cassettes he did on the topic but they're long gone. It used to be a study of mine. Are you familiar with Brown's Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, the five-volume series? It is excellent. Brown is way off in his general theology (charismatic to the extreme), But world-class in his apologetics to the Jews. Sorry for the poor state of the verses I post, but it's late and I'm way past my bedtime!

The Law of Moses all written (not oral)

Ex 24:4

Deut 17:18-20
31:9-13, 24-30
6:1, 2

1 Kings 2:3

2 Kings 17:37
2 Kings 22

2 Chron 34:14-21

Josh 8:34, 35
1:7, 8

Neh 8:1-12

Jer 26:2

Michael L. Brown re the oral law
What about the Oral Law?

What Is the Oral Law?
Hello Samuel @Sam Jer ,

Here are some Scriptures I hastily copied out of a page in my Bible on the Law of God being all written, and not oral. If you check each one out you will see that this is what is written. Besides these are a couple of teachings by Michael L. Brown on Youtube on the topic of the so-called Oral Law. I once had in my possession (decades back) a number of cassettes he did on the topic but they're long gone. It used to be a study of mine. Are you familiar with Brown's Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, the five-volume series? It is excellent. Brown is way off in his general theology (charismatic to the extreme), But world-class in his apologetics to the Jews. Sorry for the poor state of the verses I post, but it's late and I'm way past my bedtime!

The Law of Moses all written (not oral)

Ex 24:4

Deut 17:18-20
31:9-13, 24-30
6:1, 2

1 Kings 2:3

2 Kings 17:37
2 Kings 22

2 Chron 34:14-21

Josh 8:34, 35
1:7, 8

Neh 8:1-12

Jer 26:2
Thank you.

Instead of flipping through my bible I used a shortcut - here are all these passages in one link.
Here are a list of passages that refute the claim of a so called Oral Torah:

Exodus 24:3-4
Exodus 24:7;12
Exodus 34:27
Deuteronomy 31:24-26
Deuteronomy 17:18-20
Joshua 1:8
Joshua 8:34-35
2nd Kings 22:13-15
1st Chornicles 16:39-40
Exodus 17:14
Deuteronomy 29:20-21
Deuteronomy 30:8-10
Joshua 23:6
Joshua 24:25-26
2nd Kings 14:5-6.
2 Chronicles 23:18
2nd Chronicles 30:5,18
2 Kings 23:2-3
2 Chronicles 35:12
Ezra 3:2,4
Nehemiah 8:1-3.
Nehemiah 8:8
Nehemiah 8:13-15, 18
Nehemiah 9:3.
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