Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
That the excellency of the work may be yet further evidenced: consider it in the objects whereabout it is conversant; that is, either Things, or Persons. Things are Doctrine, Worship, and Government; Doctrine is a ray or beam of supernatural truth issued out from God as a special favour to his people, tending to inform them in right notions and apprehensions concerning God, Christ, our souls, and the whole way of salvation. This is called the word of life, the wholesome word, the word of salvation; how useful is this word, since men do as surely perish by damnable heresies, as by moral vices. ...
The second particular, whereabout Reformation is conversant, is worship; whereby God and we have communion one with another, wee doe in a holy manner trade with God and he with us. This is as Jacob’s ladder, The Angels of God ascend and descend by it; our prayers ascend, God's blessings descend. The ordinances are those golden pipes by which the golden oil empties it self into the hearts of Gods people; They are the Churches breasts from whence her children suck nourishment; They are the Churches barn and her Wine-press: They are on Christ’s part the kisses of his mouth, the mutual embraces betwixt God and the Christian Soul; Dry up all the breasts in such a City as this, how great will the cry of the Infants be? This mischief by the putting down of Preaching, and strange Innovations brought and urged upon us in our most solemn worship, had in a great part seized upon us, and will yet certainly prevail if the Reformers do not seasonably and strongly oppose. ...
For more, see Oliver Bowles on the reformation of doctrine, worship, and government.
The second particular, whereabout Reformation is conversant, is worship; whereby God and we have communion one with another, wee doe in a holy manner trade with God and he with us. This is as Jacob’s ladder, The Angels of God ascend and descend by it; our prayers ascend, God's blessings descend. The ordinances are those golden pipes by which the golden oil empties it self into the hearts of Gods people; They are the Churches breasts from whence her children suck nourishment; They are the Churches barn and her Wine-press: They are on Christ’s part the kisses of his mouth, the mutual embraces betwixt God and the Christian Soul; Dry up all the breasts in such a City as this, how great will the cry of the Infants be? This mischief by the putting down of Preaching, and strange Innovations brought and urged upon us in our most solemn worship, had in a great part seized upon us, and will yet certainly prevail if the Reformers do not seasonably and strongly oppose. ...
For more, see Oliver Bowles on the reformation of doctrine, worship, and government.