One of the best works on Regeneration in Print - by Peter Sterry Westminster Divine

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C. Matthew McMahon

Christian Preacher
Turretin thought the world was flat. I mean, the Bible does say "the four corners of the earth" right? Calvin spiritualized the 4th commandment (but not any of the other commandments) believing that every day was the Sabbath, and that you should be in church listening to sermons every day. Some of the best theologians in church history got some things wrong.

Some of the Westminster divines made some theological blunders. There were Erastians on the Assembly. There were some Platonists on the Assembly. There were even some Independents (wink wink).

But as the old saying goes, eat the meat and throw away the bones. Especially when the meat is akin to a 32 oz Cowboy Steak. Big boned, but great eating.

So, here we have Mr. Peter Sterry, Westminster Divine.

I've selected some of his best works and compiled them in this one volume. I've already thrown away the bones. This volume is filled with meat. And its on sale at the Puritan Shop.

Selected Works of Peter Sterry – by Peter Sterry (1613–1672)

Peter Sterry, B.D. (1613–1672) was a Calvinistic preacher of the Gospel and one of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster.

Peter Sterry is a Westminsterian anomaly. Some of his writings are theologically terrible dealing with mysticism (such as those dealing with Christ’s second coming), and some of his writings are incredibly powerful. In this volume Puritan Publications has compiled and selected his most biblically helpful writings. The first chapter on the Spirit’s conviction of the world of sin is mind blowing. His work on free grace is God honoring and Christ exalting. His work on the teachings of Christ in the soul is convicting, powerful and practical. His sermon on the true way of uniting the people of God will engage the reader to contemplate God’s manner of working in the church, both then and now.

These seven selected sermons are the best of Sterry who was praised by Richard Baxter as "an eminent divine." They will remind the people of God of the exaltation of Christ, and the power of Christ working by His Spirit in our day.

This work is not a scan or facsimile and has been made easy to read with an active table of contents for electronic versions.

Puritan Shop PDF, mobi, ePub Pack (on sale)
Selected Works of Peter Sterry - by Peter Sterry

Kindle Version Selected Works of Peter Sterry eBook: Peter Sterry: Kindle Store

Nook Version
Selected Works of Peter Sterry by Peter Sterry | 2940148616900 | NOOK Book (eBook)

Print Version
Selected Works of Peter Sterry by Peter Sterry (Hardcover)

Turretin thought the world was flat.

No he didn't. "Long before the 15th century, every educated European, including Roman Catholic prelates, knew the earth was round. Sphere was the title of the most popular book on astronomy, written in the 13th century." See "The Triumph of Christianity" Rodney Stark p. 274 which blows this and other myths that ungodly and incompetent historians have peddled completely out of the water.
Turretin thought the world was flat.

No he didn't. "Long before the 15th century, every educated European, including Roman Catholic prelates, knew the earth was round. Sphere was the title of the most popular book on astronomy, written in the 13th century." See "The Triumph of Christianity" Rodney Stark p. 274 which blows this and other myths that ungodly and incompetent historians have peddled completely out of the water.

He argues "the four corners of the earth" in his Institutes. I'll find the quote.
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