Opening Weekend!!!!

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So what did this power allow the deceased Jedi to do and in what sense was he so much more powerful? From the movies I gather that they could communicate and guide the living, which seems to presuppose some superior knowledge. Thanks
I mentioned this earlier but no one has commented on it, regarding Obi-Wan picking up Anakin's light saber at the end of the movie, and it's correlation to episode IV's "your father wanted you to have this".

Any one else make this correlation?
Originally posted by daveb

it seemed like Anakin`s turn didn't seem as "justified" as I thought it should seem.


Just talked to someone who has read the book and apparently this move is justified well in the book but comes across somewhat rash in the movie. Perhaps reading the book would clear up a few things.
great movie - filled in all the blanks. Very emotional, too, more than the others (except Empire). Afte I saw it on Saturday I had to come home and watch episode 4. The timing does seem a little off, but I think they did a great job with III so that it really does flow smoothly into 4.

And did you catch when the movie is about to end and Vader is looking out the window with Sidious at the beginnings of the Death Star, was that Tarkin (Peter Cushing) digitally put into the scene with them, or just an actor made up to look like Tarkin??

the one really cool part where the mastered the "leitmotif" was where Anakin, I think, aids in the destruction of Windu and you hear the Vader music in the back ground.
Yes it was a stand in with make up to look like Grand Moff Tarkin. I thought this movie like the last two were really good. This a bit better cause it was the final bridge to the OT. It made the OT much better. I still think the space battle in Jedi was far better for its emotional experience. Not that the Episode 3 space battle didnt look GREAT. It just didnt have the same ring as Jedi did.

Originally posted by Bladestunner316
If anikan was a good guy and died he probably would have wanted his child to have his lightsaber.


That's interesting. It is true that in episode IV Obi-Wan refers to "your father" and Darth Vader as two different people. The "your father" would have wanted his son to have it.

[Edited on 5-25-2005 by Rick Larson]
the only good thing in that movie was Anakin slaying those incompetent bad guys, when he took over the Sith's organization. man were those bad guys incompetent. Imagine lord grievous had 4 hands and didn't seriously injure obi wan. talk about incompetent.
The silliest scene was when Padme was out on the balcony pretending to brush her hair. You DO NOT run a brush through dry, curly hair.
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