Opinion on Trinity

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Has anyone read Robert Morey's book on the Trinity? Does anyone know anything about Robert Morey? I have known of him for years but don't know his background or what he believes.

I have Systematics and Owen. I was wondering if there is anything out there that is just supper great and stands out. I have tried to make this study one of the most important I have done.

Does anyone know a good book that would discuss the differences between the eastern and western church? etc.....
Something that is pretty clear.

[Edited on 7-21-2005 by puritancovenanter]
Originally posted by puritancovenanter
Has anyone read Robert Morey's book on the Trinity? Does anyone know anything about Robert Morey? I have known of him for years but don't know his background or what he believes.

I have Systematics and Owen. I was wondering if there is anything out there that is just supper great and stands out. I have tried to make this study one of the most important I have done.

Does anyone know a good book that would discuss the differences between the eastern and western church? etc.....
Something that is pretty clear.

[Edited on 7-21-2005 by puritancovenanter]

I have not read it yet, but Robert Letham has just written a book called "The Holy Trinity: In Scripture, History, Theology And Worship". Packer calls it the best big "textbook" on the Holy Spirit available today. I have not seen a bad review of it yet.

Originally posted by Michael Butterfield
One of the best and classic is Edward Henry Bickersteth and his book The Trinity

You're correct. That is a good one. I am looking more for the developement of the doctrine in History along with scriptural support. E. Calvin Beisner did a great book also but it is out of print.

I understand there is some difference in the economy of the Trinity between the eastern and western church. I would like to know the outworking of these doctrines and Historical understanding from different groups up to the reformation.
Rushdoony's The One and the Many applies the Trinity to Western History. It is a rework of Van Til on the trinity. Calvin is pretty good on the trinity. So is Frame. I second the recommendation of Letham. I have browsed through it and it looks pretty good.
Definitely get the Letham book. It is going to be much more up to date on the current issues in the theology of the Trinity than those older books that have been mentioned.
Originally posted by puritancovenanter
Has anyone read Robert Morey's book on the Trinity? Does anyone know anything about Robert Morey? I have known of him for years but don't know his background or what he believes.

I have Systematics and Owen. I was wondering if there is anything out there that is just supper great and stands out. I have tried to make this study one of the most important I have done.

Does anyone know a good book that would discuss the differences between the eastern and western church? etc.....
Something that is pretty clear.

[Edited on 7-21-2005 by puritancovenanter]

Yassir! I read Morey's book; in fact, it was the one I was going to post in response to this thread!

It was great! I HIGHLY recommend it. Its very thorough, well over 500 pages. It taught me a lot.
Even though Webmaster critique Ralph Smith's view of the Trinity earlier this year, I would highly recommend Smith's Paradox and Truth: Rethinking Van Til on the Trinity. Cornelius Plantinga had previously written a journal article suggesting that the Augustinian view of the Trinity is wrong. Smith responded, defending the Augustinian view of the Trinity with a Van Tillian perspective.
Hermann Bavinck's Doctrine of God is great and exhaustive.

James White's The Forgotten Trinity is good too, more popular though.
Thanks for reminding me, Meg. I would have totally forgotten I had that "Forgotten Trinity" book on my shelf.
<I just re-read that sentence: no pun intended>

As you said, its more of a "popular" book; its best for gleaning information on how to respond to cultists, etc. The Morey book is much more exhaustive. (Perhaps a bad choice of words since we're dealing with the Trinity, again no pun intended)

I, like the PuritanCovenanter, shall pick up the Letham book ASAP. Only 15 bucks from WTS! (They seem to have a ton of good audio products as well!)
Re: Robert Morey

I knew Robert Morey in the mid to late 70's. He was at that time a student at Westminster Theological Seminary, I believe, and an associate pastor (?) serving under Al Martin at Trinity Baptist Church in Essex Fells, NJ (at the time). I have not read his book on the Trinity but I have read several others, all of which were very good. The last I heard he is a pastor in Irvine, CA.

[Edited on 8-24-2005 by sundoulos]
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