Our guests from Mississippi

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Puritan Board Junior
I started a fairly light hearted thread about this recently, but that is not the place for this post. A group of 11 from first baptist church Madison have been staying with us since Saturday. Ages range from 12 to 70ish. Our pastor collected them from heathrow and drove them here. They attended worship on Sunday, at which their pastor preached. From Monday, they were in local schools between 1 and 3pm and knocking on doors between 7-30 and 8-30, all as part of the church outreach to the local area. The culmination was a barbacue and children's games evening last night which was attended by over 100 local people. This is an amazing achievement as the area is hard going for any Christian witness. They left on the 8am train to London, where they will be having one day of sightseeing before flying home.

I know none of them will read this - but they were a real blessing to us and the outreach activities. Now we can only pray that the Lord uses their efforts for his glory.
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