Paper on Infant Baptism - Part 2

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Puritan Board Freshman
A few months ago, I posted a link to a paper I've been writing as I continue to study infant baptism. I grew up a credobaptist, but I have been reconsidering my position since my daughter was born. As I study scriptures, read various theologians, and otherwise pray and think through this question, I've been writing a paper with my conclusions.
The first section of my paper was a survey of the ante-nicene period, where I looked at whether or not the early church baptized infants. I recently completed the rough draft of the second part, where I look at what baptism is, according to the Bible. In the next part, which I currently am working on, I will discuss who the proper recipients of baptism are.
Here is a link to my paper, I would love to hear any thoughts, corrections, agreements/disagreements, etc.
This, like the first part, is a rough draft, and a work in progress, and I will likely make changes to it overtime.
Thank you
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