Steve Dixon
Puritan Board Freshman
Under Chapter 12-5, the Church Session is charged with, among other things, "to see that parents do not neglect to present their children for Baptism".
How does it square with 11-2 (Church Courts)
which states, "First, they can make no laws binding the conscience; but may frame symbols of faith, bear testimony against error in doctrine and immorality in practice, within or without the Church, and decide cases of conscience."
Is someone "neglectful"
if he, as a matter of "conscience", willfully refrains from having his infant children Baptized?
How are these portions of the BCO interpreted by the PCA as it relates to the issue of credo-Baptism? How are they applied in the churches?
Do these two parts of the BCO need to reconcile or are they already friends
May the Lord bless you!
How does it square with 11-2 (Church Courts)

Is someone "neglectful"

How are these portions of the BCO interpreted by the PCA as it relates to the issue of credo-Baptism? How are they applied in the churches?
Do these two parts of the BCO need to reconcile or are they already friends

May the Lord bless you!