And the PCUSA apparently mandates that all their churches and foreign churches that they support MUST have female elders. That might make a migration to a faithful reformed denomination a bit more difficult.
Actually this isn't true - at least if true it's not enforced. They may WANT all of their congregations to have female elders, but churches don't get kicked out for having biblical elders only.
I'd be curious about your statement, Todd. I know of at least a couple of PCA TEs who were disciplined years ago because they would not permit women elders in their own churches. I have also seen churches get disciplined for that. In fact, the only thing I have ever seen discipline enacted for in PCUSA contexts is failure to ordain women.
Fred, in your second sentence you state, at least a couple of PCA TE's were disciplined. I assumed you meant to say PCUSA TE's. Is that correct?