Peninsular Exclusive Psalmody

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W.C. Dean

Puritan Board Sophomore
Greetings all, as some of you may know I live in Hampton Roads, in Virginia. I attend an Orthodox Presbyterian mission work in Yorktown, Virginia. The mission work and the overseeing congregation in Virginia Beach are the only confessional Presbyterian or Reformed churches in all of eastern Virginia. (not counting PCA, from what I've heard the PCA churches near me aren't bad but they aren't as conservative as any OPC) I've found this out after quite extensively sifting through many denominations, small and large. The nearest Dutch church (3FU) is in D.C. (URCNA). The nearest Covenanter church (RPCNA/GA) is over 2 hours to the west. The nearest Exclusive Psalmodist church (other than the RPCNA) is in North Carolina. There are no 1647 Westminster churches anywhere near Hampton Roads. This seems like a very populous area to be looked over. Does anyone know of a potential reason for this? Just thought this was interesting, and something to share with you all. If my OP church was not here I would either travel almost two hours one way at least, or go to a 2LBCF church.
It is not a church yet, but there is an exclusive psalmody/covenanter group in Culpepper that is meeting.

Kent Butterfield liked to tell me that these areas (NC, VA) are some of the outskirts and frontier of the Reformed world, especially when it comes to RPCNA or other covenanter types of churches.
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