Philippians 1:15-17 preaching out of envy?

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Puritan Board Senior
I was intrigued by this passage. Firstly in what sense were the believers encouraged to preach and evangelise?

Q1. Was it that Paul's mission as the Apostle to the Gentiles became clear and evangelisation of gentiles was encouraged?

Secondly what is the impure motives that led some to preach out of envy? Silva suggests that it was a minor doctrinal distinction that led to this difference in motive. A more open disposition to the judaising tendencies. Not sufficient in itself to merit a denunciation but a friendlier outlook on Judaizing influences. This would be a concern for Paul and could well be seen as torment for him as having left the field of evangelism to them due to his removal by way of house arrest.

Q2. Is this a fair assessment or is there an alternative explanation of the intention to wound Paul?

Well, Paul doesn't elaborate as to the motives of those seeking to harm him, except to you use the phrase "selfish ambition." Selfish ambition leads me to conclude that the motivation of these individuals was self-promotion; whether that was to push a pet doctrinal position or a simple lust for power. Either way the goal was to usurp Paul's authority and/or reputation.
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