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Puritan Board Graduate
I know nothing about these new phones, was wondering if you surf the internet using your phone, can your phone get a virus like a computer does?
I've heard of viruses on iPhones, Androids, and Windows phones, but have yet to hear of one on a BlackBerry.
I suppose you could, I never have personally. I don't think there is much chance with an apple device, I have been surfing for over a year on my iPad with no antivirus and have had no problems. I have an Android phone and use lookout which scans everything you download. I have never had a virus on any mobile device.
Blackberries are just as susceptible as other phones. I have an iPhone and even jailbroke it. Never had any issues. If the jailbreak starts acting up i just reinstall the apple software package
Viruses can get on Androids. There's a humorous one running around right now that pretends to be a pirated version of a legitimate app. Should you have the bad luck of installing this fake, it gives you a busted notice on your screen that makes an FBI arrest warrant look pleasant (not that I know from experience). In addition, it shoots off a text message to everyone on your contacts list saying something along the lines of this.

"Hey. I'm a stupid moron that would rather steal an app than pay $1 for it."
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