Placement in Kansas

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Puritan Board Freshman
Hi brethren,

I was wondering if anyone here lives in Kansas or Indiana? I am coming to Topeka RPCNA for a placement this summer, and will also be attending the RPCNA Synod in Indiana D.V. It would be great to meet up with some PB people for a coffee/lunch.

In Christ
I'm down in Wichita (just a few hours south of you). If you find yourself down here for any reason please let me know! I'd love to have a meal together! I'm actually hoping to go over to either England or Scotland next summer for a one year internship and would love to pick your brain. :)
Pastor Nathan Eshelman & Mr Koller it will be great to see you there. Give me a shout.

Mr King I hope we do get to know each other.

Romans922 I hope to visit Kansas City, I'm sure we could arrange a meet up?

Ben Franks I'm sure I could travel down.

In Christ
I had a great time at Synod, met so many people. I am now in Topeka settling in. I've a lot to prepare for so please keep me in prayer. If anyone from Kansas wants to still meet up give me a shout.

Mark, I think i'd like to visit Dallas on my next trip :)

In Christ
Come down anytime, you can stay with our family! Of course, l'll put you to work. :) I want to hear you preach!
I think i'd like to visit Dallas on my next trip

Although we're having unseasonably cool weather this summer, it's not the best time of year to visit the area. But you'll enjoy the Tex-Mex and wouldn't want to miss that.
I had a great time at Synod, met so many people. I am now in Topeka settling in. I've a lot to prepare for so please keep me in prayer. If anyone from Kansas wants to still meet up give me a shout.

Mark, I think i'd like to visit Dallas on my next trip :)

In Christ

Welcome to Kansas. I've never been to Scotland so I don't know how much culture shock you are in for. I've been a PB bum the past couple of years. I've let job shake ups and other things get in the way. Two gentlemen above have invited me to meet and I have yet to accept unfortunately. Later this summer and fall my wife and daughter are doing some traveling without me and I'd like to fill the time with some good meetups.
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