Plausible Alternative Endings to Major Blockbuster Movies

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Puritan Board Professor
More stupidity from me...

Back to the Future (1985) starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. The eccentric Doc Brown (played by Lloyd) invents time travel; young Marty McFly goes back in time, stops his parents from meeting; and since they must meet, or he won't be born -- he disappears from the Space-Time Continuum and Brown goes insane contemplating the implications of the rift in time created by his invention.

Top Gun (1986), Lt. Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell (played by Tom Cruise) is embittered by the death of his co-pilot Lt. Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw played by Anthony Edwards, and in the climatic battle at the end he turns on the Americans and rallies to the aid of the MIGs, and he defects to the Soviet Union.

Independence Day (1996) -- Everything is the same except Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum fly up to alien mothership in an alien fighter and covertly install Microsoft® Windows on the spaceship, crashing its mainframe and exploding the ship -- and saving the day.

James Cameron's blockbuster Titantic (1997) has an alternative ending where the ship never sinks as a drunken Irish shippilot falls asleep at the wheel and heads due south long before running into icebergs. Jack Dawson (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) however is killed when Cal Hockley discovers his adulterous intentions towards his wife Rose, and tosses him overboard.

The Patriot (2000) star Benjamin Martin (played by Mel Gibson) revisiting his apprehension against the war opts to become a Benedict Arnold rather than a Francis Marion and he defects to the British after becoming embittered by the loss of his two sons and his perceived futility of the American cause.
Originally posted by Puritanhead


Jack Dawson (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) however is killed when Cal Hockley discovers his adulterous intentions towards his wife Rose, and tosses him overboard.

Best re-write ever.

[Edited on 9-16-2005 by poimen]
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