Poole on 2 Samuel

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Puritan Board Junior
Study 2 Samuel with me!

Taking Matthew Poole as our guide, we are going to work our way verse-by-verse through the text.

Introductory material already available!

The study of 2 Samuel is too much neglected! Get in on the ground floor of this study of 2 Samuel, with Matthew Poole as our guide.

Poole works is rich and edifying, but not an easy-read. Let's prepare ourselves...

If you want to study 2 Samuel with Matthew Poole (and you do!), then you will want these hints on getting the most out of the study!

Who wrote the Books of Samuel?

Matthew Poole explores the evidence. Interesting!

Saul, David's persecutor, is dead; and David's path to the throne is clear (well, mostly).

David's surprising response...

The Amalekite assumes that David's love for the crown is greater than his regard for God and love for Saul.

He fatally miscalculated...

What was the Book of Jasher?

There are a number of non-canonical books cited in the OT.

Poole explores...

One might think that David would rejoice at the news of Saul's death.

Instead, his loving heart mourns.

Poole works through the text...

David is now king!

...but only in Hebrew, and with trouble and sorrow.

Life in a fallen world...

Poole introduces 2 Samuel 2...

"See how David rose gradually; he was first anointed king in reversion, then in possession of one tribe only, and at last of all the tribes. Thus the kingdom of the Messiah, the Son of David, is set up by degrees; he is Lord of all by divine designation, but we see not yet all things put under him, Hebrews 2:8." -Matthew Henry

For the first time in English...

Poole's Synopsis on 2 Samuel 2 (the beginning of David's kingship, with opposition from Saul's house) is now available in its entirety! free and online!

Matthew Poole introduces us to 2 Samuel 3, "The Tragedy of Abner".

David's family grows in Hebron, but not by lawful means, foreshadowing the grief to come...

Poole presents the text...

God over-rules men's sin for His own good purposes.

Ish-bosheth's folly, and Abner's pride, lead to the establishment of David's kingdom.

Abner sided with Ish-bosheth against David (against his own conscience), and then turned traitor against Ish-bosheth.

How could David make a covenant with this villain? Poole explores...

In a fallen world, bent upon war, it can be difficult to forge a peace. Here, Scripture illustrates one way that peace-efforts are thwarted...

David laments the death of Abner, who had caused him no small amount of trouble, revealing a friendly and forgiving heart. Exemplary.

For the first time in English...

Matthew Poole's "Synopsis" of 1 Samuel 3 (Abner's defection and death) is available in its entirety! free and online!

David's forgiving and friendly heart is again on display in his reaction to the murder of Ish-bosheth.

Matthew Poole previews for us his study of 2 Samuel 4!

"Destined to be the largest, most comprehensive study of the Book of 2 Samuel online."

This is a goldmine. In going through 1 Samuel I recall numerous issues which are not treated in modern commentaries. They have just dropped out of circulation. It is good to get back in touch with the great tradition of biblical interpretation, and to do so from a conservative Protestant perspective.
Posts of honor are frequently also the posts of greatest danger. Why do men covet political position so?

Matthew Poole takes us through the fall of Ish-bosheth...

'Note: Charity teaches us to make the best, not only of our friends, but of our enemies, and to think those may be righteous persons who yet, in some instances, do us wrong.' -M. Henry

Matthew Poole takes us through David's reaction to the murder of Ish-bosheth...

For the first time in English...

Matthew Poole's "Synopsis" on 2 Samuel 4 (the death of Ish-bosheth) is now available in its entirety! free and online!

An encouraging thought...

Strife in the midst of a people does not continue ever. Now, a formerly divided Israel unites behind David...
Matthew Poole introduces the text...

An encouraging thought...

Strife in the midst of a people does not continue ever. Now, a formerly divided Israel unites behind David...
Matthew Poole introduces the text...

Amen! More so important given historic strife reported in today's headlines. This too shall pass but Christ and his reign will never cease.
The present strife will not necessarily last forever.

After a period of Civil War, David is made king over all Israel.

To the text...

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