Presbyterian Minister Required

Luke Sheldrake 88

Puritan Board Freshman
Hey guys, I have been appointed to a committee by Northern Presbytery (GPCNZ) to seek out any potential pastoral candidates for one of our pulpits here in New Zealand. We are looking for a previously ordained man who can subscribe without exception to the American WCF. The Pastoral charge is a full-time position with suitable renumeration, shepherding a church of around 70-80 people. The Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand is Reformed in doctrine, Presbyterian in government, and Evangelical in Spirit. If you think you may be interested in this please send me a private message to begin a conversation.

Apologies to admin if this is out of place.

With love in Christ,
I am finishing up serving on a pastoral search committee for my church. We posted to several major seminary webpages and had the most folks apply from seeing us on the GPTS pulpit board. It's probably different for those willing/able to go overseas but may be worth a shot.