According to Psalm 14:2-3, God looks down from heaven upon the children of men and sees that no one is good. Psalm 14:4 talks about the workers of iniquity who eat up God's people as they eat bread. Also, these workers of iniquity do not call upon the Lord. Is Psalm 14:2-3 talking about all people or is it referring to the workers of iniquity who are mentioned in verse 4? The reason why I ask this question is because I when I witness to Catholics, I prove that man is not good by showing them Psalm 14, which is what Paul quotes in the book of Romans. Catholics respond by saying that Psalm 14:2-3 is not talking about all people; It is talking about the workers of iniquity who are mentioned in verse 4 and the workers of iniquity are not everyone because verse 4 makes a distinction between the workers of iniquity and God's people.