Thirdly, where it is said, the womans desire shall bee to her husband, and he shall rule over her: 1. It is not understood of the naturall desire the woman hath eftsoone of her husbands company, notwithstanding her painfull travaile, which is no punishment but a delight unto them: 2. But of that subjection, whereby by the law of nature practised among Pagans, women doe de∣pend upon their husbands. The woman should before have beene obedient to man, but of a loving society to be made partaker of all his counsells, nor of an urging necessity as now: whereby the woman in respect of her weaknesse, both with her will dependeth of her husband, for her direction and provision of things necessary, and against her will she often endureth the hard yoke of an unequall commander.