Puritan Works on Fear of Death - Glorious Future

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Puritan Board Junior
Hello, was in another forum and someone requested books to help on the fear of death and dying. Just though I would post these here incase someone came across the same question as an easy access resource. God Bless. This is not an exhaustive list. These can all be read free on EEBO-TCP.

"A believers triumph over death exemplified in a relation of the last hours of Dr. Andrew Rivet and an account of divers other remarkable instances : being an history of the comfortable end and dying words of several eminent men, with other occasional passages, all tending to comfort Christians against the fear of death and prepare them for a like happy change." Nehemiah Coxe

A salve for a sicke man. or, A treatise containing the nature, differences, and kindes of death as also the right manner of dying well. And it may serue for spirituall instruction to 1. Mariners when they goe to sea. 2. Souldiers when they goe to battell. 3. Women when they trauell of child. - William Perkins

A soveraign antidote against the fear of death: or, A cordial for a dying Christian Being ten select meditations, wherein a Christians objections are answered, and his doubts and fears removed, and many convincing motives and arguments are laid down to perswade him to a willing submission to Gods will, whether he be sent for by a natural or a violent death. By Edward Bury formerly minister of Great Bolas in Shropshire.

A spiritual antidote against sinful contagion in dying times a cordial for believers in dying times with a corrosive for wicked men in dying times / at first written as a letter to private friends in daily expectation of death by the plague, and afterwards printed for more public good. - Thomas Doolittle

Death made comfortable, or, The way to dye well consisting of directions for an holy and an happy death : together with an office for the sick and for certain kinds of bodily illness, and for dying persons, and proper prayers upon the death of friends / by John Kettlewell .

Deaths duell, or, A consolation to the soule, against the dying life, and liuing death of the body Deliuered in a sermon at White Hall, before the Kings Maiesty, in the beginning of Lent, 1630. By that late learned and reuerend diuine, Iohn Donne, Dr. in Diuinity, & Deane of S. Pauls, London. Being his last sermon, and called by his Maiesties houshold the doctors owne funerall sermon.

The life of faith in death· Exemplified in the liuing speeches of dying Christians. By Samuel VVard preacher of Ipswich.

A buckler against the fear of death; or, Pious and profitable observations, meditations, and consolations: by E.B.

A frutefull treatise and ful of heauenly consolation against the feare of death Wherunto are annexed certeine sweet meditations of the kingdom of Christ, of life euerlasting, and of the blessed state & felicitie of the same. Gathered by that holy marter of God, Iohn Bradford.

Death a deliverance, or, A funeral discourse, preach'd (in part) on the decease of Mrs. Mary Doolittle, (late wife of Mr. Thomas Doolittle, minister of the Gospel in London) who departed this life the 16th of Decemb. 1692 by John Shower.

The church's triumph over death a funeral-sermon preached upon the decease of blessed Mr. Robert Fleming, late pastor of a church in Rotterdam / by Daniel Burgess.

The solace of the soule agaynst the bytter stormes of sycknes and deathe greatly encouragynge the faythfull, paciently to suffer the good pleasure of God in all kynd of aduersite, newly set forth in Englysshe by Thomas Becon.

Words of peace or, Dr. Mantons last sayings: many of them taken from him on his death-bed, or observed on other remarkable occasions; tending very much to the edification of Christians.

Richard Baxter's dying thoughts upon Phil. I, 23 written for his own life and the latter times of his corporal pains and weakness.

Mr. Jenkins's dying thoughts who departed this life on Monday the 19th of this instant January, in the Prison of Newgate.

A meditation of mans mortalitie Containing an exposition of the ninetieth psalme. By that Reuerend and religious seruant of God Mr. William Bradshavv, sometime fellow of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge. Published since his decease by Thomas Gataker B. of D. and Pastor of Rotherhith.
Flavel's treatise in keeping the heart includes approaching death.
I dont know if this is it. It is under a different name on TCP, "A Saint Indeed" but it is a treatise on Prov. 4:23 which I think "Keeping the Heart" is also.

A saint indeed: or The great work of a Christian, opened and pressed; from Prov. 4. 23 Being a seasonable and proper expedient for the recovery of the much decayed power of godliness, among the professors of these times. By John Flavell M. of the Gospel.
I dont know if this is it. It is under a different name on TCP, "A Saint Indeed" but it is a treatise on Prov. 4:23 which I think "Keeping the Heart" is also.

A saint indeed: or The great work of a Christian, opened and pressed; from Prov. 4. 23 Being a seasonable and proper expedient for the recovery of the much decayed power of godliness, among the professors of these times. By John Flavell M. of the Gospel.
it is
I have seen that before. It looks like an awesome resource. The unfortunate part I find, and I am sure the reason is because of over-arching copyright issues, is that almost, if not every search I have done requires a university/seminary key for the result. Also, unless I am studying it wrong, the Database does not contain primary sources. It contains tons of journal articles, etc. But the works themselves, of the Puritans, it does not. That is what kind of led me to do the Index I did, and that is, to create an Index that searches within Puritan, primary source documents, as to quote the Puritans themselves on keywords, phrases, scriptures, etc. It looks like an awesome resource, but with it limited with so much copyrighted material, it is of little use to those outside of university/seminary permissions.

But on a brighter note, I did find their list of Puritans, so I will cross check it with those I have to see if I missed any. Also, about 4 or 5 months ago, I emailed them the link to the volumes in the Puritan Index, and the link to the Zotero Public Puritan Library with permission to use as they saw fit. Dont know if they will incorporate it, but it was offered. Never received an email back either way.
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Buying a couple of books at RHB earlier this year I saw this on sale for $8.00 (still is) and got a copy. Richard Steele has quite a write up in Beeke's 'Meet The Puritans,' and deservedly so.

In this book he focuses on walking in the light in our old age so we won't be ashamed at His coming ... or our going. A very edifying and devotional read.

I find the Bible is the best authority on the fear of death.e.g....

Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
(Heb 2:14-15)

Hopefully, it's the ad fontes of the Puritans.
Buying a couple of books at RHB earlier this year I saw this on sale for $8.00 (still is) and got a copy. Richard Steele has quite a write up in Beeke's 'Meet The Puritans,' and deservedly so.

In this book he focuses on walking in the light in our old age so we won't be ashamed at His coming ... or our going. A very edifying and devotional read.

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Thank you for this recommendation. EEBO-TCP also has it, and it can be found here:
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