Puritan Board Freshman
It would appear I stop in these boards when I get stuck with a question. For that, I suppose I should apologize, as my contributions here are mostly me being stumped with something. At any rate, on with my question.
I've been studying the sufficiency of Christ's atonement a lot lately, and a question came to mind regarding the duration of Christ's sufferings. We (Christ's people) deserve eternal damnation. We deserve eternal sufferings because our offenses are against an infinitely Holy God. This I comprehend fairly well. I suppose I am then stuck on how Christ's sufferings on our behalf satisfied God's justice when Christ's sufferings were finite in duration.
I know it must have something to do with Christ's infinite worth/value, and His being the infinite God-man. Where or how I apply this to the question is where I am stuck.
I also want to gravitate towards several passages in Hebrews (hebrews 9 mostly) regarding this question, but even when I do, I still can't come up with an answer that seems to satisfy me.
I've been studying the sufficiency of Christ's atonement a lot lately, and a question came to mind regarding the duration of Christ's sufferings. We (Christ's people) deserve eternal damnation. We deserve eternal sufferings because our offenses are against an infinitely Holy God. This I comprehend fairly well. I suppose I am then stuck on how Christ's sufferings on our behalf satisfied God's justice when Christ's sufferings were finite in duration.
I know it must have something to do with Christ's infinite worth/value, and His being the infinite God-man. Where or how I apply this to the question is where I am stuck.
I also want to gravitate towards several passages in Hebrews (hebrews 9 mostly) regarding this question, but even when I do, I still can't come up with an answer that seems to satisfy me.