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About to start reading either Hoge or Edwards:

thoughts, suggestions, opinions on which to read and why!?

also, what should i be looking for as the best qualities/points from either?
Read both! I assume you mean Charles Hodge? I would start with his Systematic, but you better bone up on your latin and greek (Hodge does not translate!). Both are excellent and are solid reformed guys.
Or do what I do just read around the Latin and Greek. I have found Hodge easier to read than Edwards. Excepting the Foriegn Languages. Edwards take longer I think, but I am not very smart, or good looking:bigsmile:
Hodge is great, but overall Edwards has influenced my thinking more, I just have to read him slow to get the gist of what he is saying. Someone told me that if you read Edwards and Owens out loud they are more easily comprehended.
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