Recommended resources on Christian unity?

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Steve Curtis

Puritan Board Senior
I’m looking for scholarly resources (books or journal articles) on the biblical idea of unity in the Body of Christ (as opposed to the ecumenical/WCC idea of unity, of course, but not devoted to refuting it). This includes, of course, commentaries on the relevant passages in the Old and New Testaments, as well as studies on the covenant community, the primacy of relationships among believers over against unbelievers, etc. What are you recommendations?
Martyn Lloyd-Jones had a big influence in the UK on this issue. See his 'Knowing the times', especially the chapter on Basis of Christian unity and also the 1966 lecture he gave on this, also included in the book.
As well as the above references to Martyn Lloyd-Jones, I would also recommend his Letters (published by Banner of Truth). Section 7 covers the issue of Church unity, including 2 lengthy responses to A T Davies. There is very insightful information to be found here.
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