Reformed Systematic Theology - Volume 4

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Puritan Board Doctor
In a Facebook post today (9/1), Joel Beeke confirmed that the final edits on this last volume have been sent to Crossway. Crossway will incorporate those edits and have the indexes compiled. Beeke says that the volume will be published in "early spring, 2024."

Good news!
In a Facebook post today (9/1), Joel Beeke confirmed that the final edits on this last volume have been sent to Crossway. Crossway will incorporate those edits and have the indexes compiled. Beeke says that the volume will be published in "early spring, 2024."

Good news!
That's pretty nice. I think I will be finishing volume 3 early next year.
Exciting news! Loved the first 2 volumes, and working my way through volume 3 now. I've prayed the Lord keep Beeke and Smalley until they could finsh Volume 4. Selfish or dumb, maybe, but I think the work of high importance.
New news:

Per a post on Facebook, Paul Smalley has confirmed that a one-volume abridged edition of the 4-volume systematic theology is in the works. No publication date was mentioned, especially since Volume 4 of the full set won't be published until next May.
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Paul Smalley has confirmed that a one-volume abridged edition of the 4-volume systematic theology is in the works
I was really hoping they were going to do this. I need a one volume systematic to recommend to people that is more accessible than Berkhof and more biblically faithful than Grudem.
I was really hoping they were going to do this. I need a one volume systematic to recommend to people that is more accessible than Berkhof and more biblically faithful than Grudem.
Having only read bits and pieces of vol 1, Beeke does seem to fill that role very well.
I was really hoping they were going to do this. I need a one volume systematic to recommend to people that is more accessible than Berkhof and more biblically faithful than Grudem.
Assuming you're looking for an "entry-level" systematic to reccomend to laypeople, Bavinck's Wonderful Works of God might fit the bill. It is definitely accessible and I found it quite devotional as well.
Per RHB's website, Volume 4 is now available for pre-order ($32.50) and the entire 4-volume set is also available for pre-order ($120).

Volume 4 is still due in May, 2024, as far as I know.
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