Reformed theology and the ideal government

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Here's what John Knox said to Queen Mary, as reported in John Howie's "The Scots Worthies": "John Knox, in a conference with the Queen about this time, said, 'If princes exceed their bounds, they may be resisted even by power, for there is no greater honour and obedience to be paid to princes, than God hath commanded to be given to father and mother. If children join together against their father stricken with a frenzy and seeking to slay his own children, apprehend him, take his sword and other weapons from him, bind his hands, and put him in prison till his frenzy overpass, do they any wrong, or will God be offended by them for hindering their father from committing horrible murder? Even so, madam, if princes will murder the children of God, their subjects, their blind zeal is but a mad frenzy. To take the sword from them, to bind them, and to cast them into prison, till they be brought to a sober mind, is not disobedience, but just obedience, because it agrees with the Word of God.' The Queen hearing this, stood for some time as one amazed, and changed countenance. No appearance was at this time of her imprisonment. "

She was later imprisoned, after Knox's death in Loch Leven Castle.

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Here's what John Knox said to Queen Mary, as reported in John Howie's "The Scots Worthies": "John Knox, in a conference with the Queen about this time, said, 'If princes exceed their bounds, they may be resisted even by power, for there is no greater honour and obedience to be paid to princes, than God hath commanded to be given to father and mother. If children join together against their father stricken with a frenzy and seeking to slay his own children, apprehend him, take his sword and other weapons from him, bind his hands, and put him in prison till his frenzy overpass, do they any wrong, or will God be offended by them for hindering their father from committing horrible murder? Even so, madam, if princes will murder the children of God, their subjects, their blind zeal is but a mad frenzy. To take the sword from them, to bind them, and to cast them into prison, till they be brought to a sober mind, is not disobedience, but just obedience, because it agrees with the Word of God.' The Queen hearing this, stood for some time as one amazed, and changed countenance. No appearance was at this time of her imprisonment. "

She was later imprisoned, after Knox's death in Loch Leven Castle.

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If all Knox is doing is establishing the theoretical right for princes to rebel against a tyrant, okay. The other point revolves around how that can happen today, since a) Congress is useless and corrupt, and b) almost all successful revolutionary groups have outside backing (The US-color revolutions, China/USSR in Vietnam, Russia in Donbass), and c)how exactly are we going to fight cruise missiles and drones?

Regarding b)who exactly will help us from outside?
Regarding c) there are ways to negate the ungodly structure and minimize the type of damage the Regime can do against the godly, but even still it's a losing battle.
She was actually imprisoned before Knox's death, but I don't know how much he had to do with it.

I wasn't speculating on how this would play out in the USA or Britain. The civil governments of these countries aren't killing Christians.

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She was actually imprisoned before Knox's death, but I don't know how much he had to do with it.

I wasn't speculating on how this would play out in the USA or Britain. The civil governments of these countries aren't killing Christians.

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No, but these govts have more or less trashed the rule of law and in a few cases imprisoned Christians. Even with Trump becoming Emperor, the future isn't great for Christianity in these countries.
I am with most other posters on this topic. I agree that any form of government can become tyrannical. My prayer is that the world would see more leaders who fear God. I posted this on my blog about 3 weeks ago:

Followers of Jesus Christ in the United States of America, in less than four months we will go to the polls and record our choice for those who will serve as our local, state, and federal elected officials.

Believers and unbelievers alike will approach that day with the hope that our lives, and the lives of our fellow countrymen and countrywomen, will be filled with hope for our future as a result of those who we elect.

Is this a child’s dream? A baseless desire?

Not according to God’s word it isn’t.

The God of Israel has spoken;
the Rock of Israel has said to me:
When one rules justly over men,
ruling in the fear of God,
he dawns on them like the morning light,
like the sun shining forth on a cloudless morning,
like rain that makes grass to sprout from the earth.

2 Samuel 23:3,4

Is it possible that we could find ourselves under the rule of men and women who would serve in such a manner that the promises in 2 Samuel 23 would be fulfilled?

Benson’s Commentary on the Old and New Testament expands on the joys of living under the rule of such a government:

These words are a further description of the king’s duty, which is not only to rule with justice and piety, but also with sweetness, and gentleness, and condescension to the infirmities of his people; to render his government as acceptable to them as is the sunshine in a clear morning, or the tender grass which springs out of the earth by the warm beams of the sun after the rain.

I realize that this nation is as far removed from these ideals as a horse’s tail is from its nose. But I ask myself why God would tell us of such a government if attaining the same was not possible?

I therefore must say that it is absolutely possible. But how?

Maybe we should approach our King, find his ear through our prayers, confess our sin, and beseech him that he would find favor on our nation.

Might we be able to find within God’s provisioning that single mustard seed worth of faith which would shake the upcoming elections at their very foundation?

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

Romans 13:1

See here? Is it not God who put our current government in place? Can not the same God answer his people’s prayers and install a government that governs with “sweetness, and gentleness, and condescension to the infirmities of his people?”

Meet with your God each morning, noon, and night. Cry out to him the words which he gives us in 2 Samuel 23 and Romans 13.

Do this for your family, your church, your nation. But most of all do this that God might be glorified through the faith of his people working as salt and light in this darkened world.

God bless you all, my prayer for God’s strength in your prayers is ongoing.


Posted at: The Christian’s Report on July 9, 2016
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