Here's what John Knox said to Queen Mary, as reported in John Howie's "The Scots Worthies": "John Knox, in a conference with the Queen about this time, said, 'If princes exceed their bounds, they may be resisted even by power, for there is no greater honour and obedience to be paid to princes, than God hath commanded to be given to father and mother. If children join together against their father stricken with a frenzy and seeking to slay his own children, apprehend him, take his sword and other weapons from him, bind his hands, and put him in prison till his frenzy overpass, do they any wrong, or will God be offended by them for hindering their father from committing horrible murder? Even so, madam, if princes will murder the children of God, their subjects, their blind zeal is but a mad frenzy. To take the sword from them, to bind them, and to cast them into prison, till they be brought to a sober mind, is not disobedience, but just obedience, because it agrees with the Word of God.' The Queen hearing this, stood for some time as one amazed, and changed countenance. No appearance was at this time of her imprisonment. "
She was later imprisoned, after Knox's death in Loch Leven Castle.
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