Regulative vs. Normative Principle, MW citing JDRE

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RPW vs NPW. “It does not suffice that an act of worship can be justified on the basis of Scriptural principles; this only constitutes a normative principle which is applicable to all of life. Faithful exegesis is required, whereby a divine right must be established from the Word of God for the introduction of a particular action or function into the worship and government of the church. Such an action must be shown to be (1) above and contradistinct from all human power and created authority whatsoever; (2) beyond all just, human or created power, to abolish or oppose the same; and (3) so obligatory unto all Churches in the whole Christian world that they ought uniformly to submit themselves unto it in all the Substantials of it so far as is possible ( Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici: The Divine Right of Church Government {1646; 1654; Dallas, Tex.: Naphtali Press, 1995}, 7). This divine warrant can only be discovered by an interpretative process which takes into account the obligatory examples, divine approbation, divine acts and divine precepts of holy Scripture (13-35).” Matthew Winzer, "Westminster and Worship Examined," The Confessional Presbyterian (2008): 254.
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