Repentance is self-hatred?

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Mr. Bultitude

Puritan Board Freshman
In the fourth of the 95 Theses, Luther says:
The penalty of sin remains as long as the hatred of self (that is, true inner repentance), namely till our entrance into the kingdom of heaven.
I realize that this was before the true systematization of Luther's thought, but I'm still wondering, is this idea that repentance equals self-hatred idiosyncratic or would (for example) Puritans say the same thing? Is it perhaps a bad translation, one that should read "self-denial" rather than "hatred of self"?

I definitely see how one could read his statement as orthodox. I'm reminded of Calvin's statement from Book 2 of the Institutes:
God, who is the highest righteousness, cannot love the unrighteousness that he sees in us all. All of us, therefore, have in ourselves something deserving of God’s hatred. With regard to our corrupt nature and the wicked life that follows it, all of us surely displease God, are guilty in his sight, and are born to the damnation of hell. But because the Lord wills not to lose what is his in us, out of his own kindness he still finds something to love. However much we may be sinners by our own fault, we nevertheless remain his creatures. However much we have brought death upon ourselves, yet he has created us unto life. Thus he is moved by pure and freely given love of us to receive us into grace. Since there is a perpetual and irreconcilable disagreement between righteousness and unrighteousness, so long as we remain sinners he cannot receive us completely.
Clearly, our sin creates enmity with God and hatred of us by God, and to repent means to hate what he hates and love what he loves. Therefore repentance involves a form of hatred of ourselves.

But while I can find my way to that reading of Luther's statement, I don't want to assume it's what he had in mind. Does anyone have insight on this?
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