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Daniel Knight

Puritan Board Freshman
I let the domain registration lapse a few years ago, reposted temporarily at, and got tired of paying annual registration and hosting fees for a site that will never pay for itself.

I am in the process of migrating that information to the Dutch Reformed Wiki hosted on I've made a good start over the weekend, and my famous Dutch Reformed Timeline is now posted at Dutch Reformed Timeline - Dutch Reformed Wiki (yes, it does need a little updating).

My 1994 class paper, The Dutch Reformed Presence in Canada, is at The Dutch Reformed Presence in Canada - Dutch Reformed Wiki

I have posted several biographies and added a new article covering (in broad strokes) this history of the NHK. Over time I will add similar profiles for other denominations, and it would be very helpful to have help from people more familiar with the Netherlands Reformed, Free Reformed, Canadian Reformed, and Protestant Reformed stories to help flesh things out and assure balance.
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