Randy---I read your blog and I was curious about the charge that R Scott Clark "...is Lutheran instead of Reformed"
Is this really a valid charge? Just believing that there was a merit aspect of Israel staying in the land doesn't make a Lutheran.
I understand the importance of this, but it seems a bit overstated. Why so vehemently opposed to these guys?
What is this sinister underbelly of believing that Israel was exiled because of their behavior?
Israel was exiled for her sinful behaviour, but she could only hold secure tenure in the Land as the gracious reward of works produced through grace.
Since the CoW was broken in the Garden it is true that sinners are still liable to the sanction of punishment, but can only attain to the sanction of reward by grace, not works.
The Republicationists posit sinful Israelites being placed under a renewed CoW by which they could attain to the sanction of reward. But how could they? They were sinners?
It was indeed possible for them, being sinners, to receive the sanction of punishment in the form of banishment, pointing to eternal banishment from God's Kingdom. They just had to neglect God's grace proferred to them in the Covenant of Grace - effectively and truly neglecting the CoG, even although they were under its administration.
Before the exile to Assyria and Babylon they neglected the CoG for blatant idolatry.
Before the Diaspora they neglected the CoG for a sinful attempt to observe the CoW on their own terms.
Both ended in judgment being meted in them, as those who neglect and despise God'.s grace have never truly entered into the life of the CoG and will be judged as those still under the CoW who have also despised grace.
The Republication thesis posits that the Israelites had to seek their personal salvation by grace, while at the same time, seek secure and happy tenure in the land by works. Yer secure and happy tenure in the Land was a type of Heaven which we obtain by grace through faith, with additional rewards and benefits being graciously given to us by God for good works produced by His grace.
The Republication thesis is hopelessly confused and confusing, not least if an ancient Israelite was having to live under this bi-furcated "word" from God.
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