Richard Rogers on the evil of the cruel man

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Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
Furthermore here, by this that we hear his [Adoni-Bezek’s] cruelty, thus laid out by his own mouth, that he had played the tyrant against many, and those no meaner persons then Kings, to cut off the thumbs of their hands and feet, and not to some few of them, but even seventy persons; we see what a raging fury this vice of cruelty is, and to what depth of evil it carrieth men, that do not wisely consider the foulness and shamefulness of it. For whereas one man should be sociable with another, yea with strangers, if occasion be offered, (seeing everyone is our neighbour,) this cruelty cutteth of all fellowship, nay all liberty of enjoining such benefits of peace, goods, or the like.

So that the cruel man is far worse then the thief, who (yet) is odious, and driven from habitation with men in their free dwelling houses, into a loathsome prison among brutish companions. For he, unless he be cruel also, is content to take a share in his goods, whom he robbeth; but the cruel man is not content with a share, but if his might be suitable to his mind, he will have all, at one time or other, that is his whom he pursueth, yea he will thrust him out of house and home, yea, and out of the world also, before he can be satisfied. ...

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