Right out of the fifth century...

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Puritan Board Junior
Here are a couple of quotes from one of my favorite early church fathers. The first is a comment on Scripture in contrast to tradition, and the second sounds like a prototype of Van Tilian presuppositionalism...

Salvian the Presbyter (5th century): But I am afraid that we do not observe them well, do not read them with attention either, because there is less guilt in not reading the Holy Scriptures than in violating them after having read them. To be sure, the other nations either do not have the Law of God, or they have it in a weakened and maimed way, and, therefore, as I have said, they have it in such a manner that they do not have it at all. For, if there are any barbarian nations who in their books seem to have the Holy Scriptures less interpolated or torn into shreds than others, nevertheless they have them as they were corrupted by the tradition of their old teachers. Therefore, they have tradition rather than Scripture. They do not keep what the truth of the Law teaches, but what the wickedness of a bad tradition has inserted. FC, Vol. 3, The Writings of Salvian, The Presbyter, The Governance of God, Book 5.2 (New York: CIMA Publishing Co., Inc., 1947), pp. 129-130.

Salvian the Presbyter (5th century): I need not prove by arguments what God Himself proves by His own words. When we read that God says He perpetually sees the entire earth, we prove thereby that He does see it because He Himself says He sees it. When we read that He rules all things He has created, we prove thereby that He rules, since He testifies that He rules. When we read that He ordains all things by His immediate judgment, it becomes evident by this very fact, since He confirms that He passes judgment. All other statements, said by men, require proofs and witnesses. God´s word is His own witness, because whatever uncorrupted Truth says must be the undefiled testimony to truth. FC, Vol. 3, The Writings of Salvian, The Presbyter, The Governance of God, Book 5, §2 (New York: CIMA Publishing Co., Inc., 1947), pp. 68-69.

Originally posted by puritansailor
Is this book still in print?
This book is from the Fathers of the Church (abbreviated FC) series which is an on-going translation and publishing project by the American Catholic University to make available in English the works of Early Church Fathers. This series is not to be confused with the Eerdmans set. This particular volume (Vol. 3) of the writings of Salvian the Presbyter is out of print, but I think you can obtain a used copy by doing a search at www.bookfinder.com . I just checked and saw some used copies advertized there.

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