Robert Duncan Culver (1916-2015)

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Puritan Board Doctor
Robert Duncan Culver, author of Systematic Theology: Biblical and Historical (Fearn: Mentor, 2005), 1,258 pages, died last Saturday, February 7, 2015, at the age of 98. He would have been 99 on July 19. I presume that he died at his home in Houston, Minnesota.

After many years of research, thought, and writing, his book (he wrote others, also) was published when he was a mere kid of 89.

Just noting for those who might be familiar with his work. RIP
His son, Douglas Culver, taught me OT and Hebrew in seminary. I have a Hebrew award certificate on my wall in memory of his (Douglas') mother (Robert's wife). Sadly, Douglas Culver passed away rather early in comparison to his father (in 2007, I believe.
I love his big black ST and all the history. Last summer I read all the Christology chapters in it. I'll have to look him up in heaven.
Robert Duncan Culver, author of Systematic Theology: Biblical and Historical (Fearn: Mentor, 2005), 1,258 pages, died last Saturday, February 7, 2015, at the age of 98.
And in ten point font, too. Loved the way he would talk to himself laying out why or why not of this or that subject in this mammoth work. His traducianism always challenged me.
Robert Duncan Culver, author of Systematic Theology: Biblical and Historical (Fearn: Mentor, 2005), 1,258 pages, died last Saturday, February 7, 2015, at the age of 98.
And in ten point font, too. Loved the way he would talk to himself laying out why or why not of this or that subject in this mammoth work. His traducianism always challenged me.

More like 4-point font, I think. It's dinky. I have an ESV Bible with 10.5-point font and it's way bigger than that used in Culver's text.
Robert Duncan Culver, author of Systematic Theology: Biblical and Historical (Fearn: Mentor, 2005), 1,258 pages, died last Saturday, February 7, 2015, at the age of 98.
And in ten point font, too. Loved the way he would talk to himself laying out why or why not of this or that subject in this mammoth work. His traducianism always challenged me.

More like 4-point font, I think. It's dinky. I have an ESV Bible with 10.5-point font and it's way bigger than that used in Culver's text.
Heh! I like it much better in its electronic editions wherein one can magnify the font, sit back, and drink from its fire hose of wisdom in small gulps.
Robert Duncan Culver, author of Systematic Theology: Biblical and Historical (Fearn: Mentor, 2005), 1,258 pages, died last Saturday, February 7, 2015, at the age of 98.
And in ten point font, too. Loved the way he would talk to himself laying out why or why not of this or that subject in this mammoth work. His traducianism always challenged me.

More like 4-point font, I think. It's dinky. I have an ESV Bible with 10.5-point font and it's way bigger than that used in Culver's text.
Heh! I like it much better in its electronic editions wherein one can magnify the font, sit back, and drink from its fire hose of wisdom in small gulps.

"Fire Hose of Wisdom" - great name for a band!
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