Rough Side of the Mountain

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Puritan Board Freshman
Some of the "oleskool" Pentecostals that I grew up around sang a song called "Rough Side of the Mountain". But, some of the Word of Faith people that I heard growing up disagreed with the message of the song because they believe that Christians should be more victorious than that and it should not be a struggle to make it into heaven. They believe that a Christian should make it into heaven not just barely but that they should pass the test so to speak with flying colors.

I have been listening to this song lately and I was kind of wondering what the Reformed response would be to the song. On one hand, some of what the song says reminds me of "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan. On the other hand, talking about "doing my best to make it in" could be interpreted by some Reformed people as making it in our own strength.

For those who are unfamiliar with the song, here it is:


What are your thoughts?
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