Neil above has answered well.
Your analogy was that the special clothes of the OT priests were equivalent to everyday clothing of common man. That's where I said the analogy didn't hold up. The priestly garments would fall into the same category as the instruments - done away with under the new covenant/dispensation where Christ Himself has fulfilled all types, shadows, and all things related specifically to ceremonial/temple worship and therefore they are unnecessary.
If you believe things like priestly garments and musical instruments are still needed then why do you no longer sacrifice animals upon the altar in worship today? I'm not attempting to be snarky or contentious with you, brother. I am genuinely hoping you will recognize the place of instruments in worship - not necessary and not commanded in modern corporate worship and therefore forbidden based on the regulative principle of worship.
Again, let us interact with the video clip I shared - what specifically in the clip do you disagree with and why? I would caution you to not fall into the trap of making reasoning for beliefs that you hold to by tradition or that your church holds to by tradition. For years, I didn't want to study or fully embrace a capella exclusive Psalm singing because my local church didn't practice such. I was only doing myself a disservice, not to mention rebelling against God, by refusing to humble myself to Him and His word. Once I fully studied the subject matter and removed my own personal bias from the topic and the Scriptures, the Lord pleased to direct me and convince me of a capella exclusive Psalmody. Blessings to you as you seek to know God and honor Him more in your life.