Rudolf Gwalther: Loving Christ means attributing salvation to him alone

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Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
How can someone be said to love Christ if he does not attribute the entire glory of our salvation to him alone, and especially if he corrupts it with his own glory by boasting of the righteousness of his works, thereby detracting from Christ? How can we say that someone who claims for himself or for others what belongs exclusively to Christ is not his enemy?

Rudolf Gwalther, In Divi Pauli Apostoli Epistolam ad Galatas Homiliae LXI (Zurich, 1576). Quoted in Gerald L. Bray, Timothy F. George, Scott M. Manetsch (eds), Reformation Commentary on Scripture X: Galatians, Ephesians (Downers Grove IL: IVP Academic, 2011), p. 28.
N.B. For those of you who are familiar with J. C. Ryle's commentary on John's gospel (particularly with the critical notes), this bloke is the same one whom Ryle refers to as Gualther. As far as I am aware, Rudolf Gwalther's commentary on John has never been translated into English, and that Ryle's extracts are his own translations.
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