Rudolf Gwalther on the infallible rule of reforming the church

Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
... The things which besides these nowadays, under the name of the Apostles, and Canons of the Apostles are obtruded, we cannot acknowledge for Apostolic: neither can any good man blame us therefore, forasmuch as Luke maketh no mention of them, whose diligence and labour, the holy Ghost thought good to use, in writing the Sermons and Acts of the Apostles. Surely, I will never think, the holy Ghost either so unwise, as to take a negligent writer of so high matters, or else so forgetful, as to let pass any of those things, the knowledge and observation whereof, was so necessary in his Church.

I would speak of everything more at large, but that they recourse in the treatise of the History, where they will be more commodiously handled. Let it suffice for this time to have showed the great utility of this book, in that it ministreth to us, a true and an infallible rule of reforming the Church, which except they observe, which will be called and counted reformers, they may well rejoice in their reformations in the judgment of the flesh, but they shall never give us Churches, that any man, but meanly trained in the holy Scriptures, shall acknowledge in all points, for sincere, and true Apostolic Churches. ...

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