Sabbath/Lord's Day study pack

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Staff member
Limited to 30 customers, I'm offering the 2016 vol. 12 "Sabbath" issue of The Confessional Presbyterian journal and the Reformation Heritage/Naphtali Press edition of Nicholas Bownd's True Doctrine of the Sabbath for $24.95, USA ship to addresses only.
The book is 600p high quality hardback and the journal is essentially the same amount of material in a large journal format publication.
I already have Bownd's because of a Gillespie - Bownd bundle. I know someone who would likely buy the Sabbath edition of the journal if it was bundled with something other than Gillespie or Bownd.

Sentence 1 and Sentence 2 may or may not be related.
I'm about all out of books. I have author's copies of Durham on Ten Commandments or Durham on Job I could swap out for the Bownd.
I already have Bownd's because of a Gillespie - Bownd bundle. I know someone who would likely buy the Sabbath edition of the journal if it was bundled with something other than Gillespie or Bownd.

Sentence 1 and Sentence 2 may or may not be related.
Just use the same link and put PB after your name which I'll remove in processing so I know it's you. Which Durham? Ten Commandments or Job?
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